Brother Lee established the Full-time Training in Anaheim (FTTA) in 1989 in order to build up the trainees in Christ in the growth of the divine life, equip them with the divine truths, and cultivate their spiritual capacity in preaching the gospel, nourishing the believers, perfecting the saints, and prophesying for the building up of the Body of Christ. The 4,000+ former trainees, as well as the saints in the churches where they meet, can testify of the long-lasting benefits of the training; the cumulative experiences gained there over many years are still profiting the church life today.
As the Lord’s recovery continues to spread, we anticipate more and more young people will give themselves to be trained, many of whom may not be able to support themselves and many of whom may come from newer or smaller churches that may not have the way to support them, especially if FTTA would need to raise its tuition to cover rising costs. As those who have attended the training and have personally realized its value, we are burdened that every qualified young person may have the opportunity to be trained.
Therefore, in close fellowship with FTTA and the co-workers, a group of trainee graduates have come together to provide a way to inform the saints of this need and afford them the opportunity to participate in it. We have formed an entity called “FTTA Support Fund,” the purpose of which is to make this need known, as well as provide a mechanism for burdened saints to give as they feel led. It is not meant to diminish any giving to the churches or other areas of the work, nor is it in any way intended to replace the current practice of fellowship among the churches in order to support trainees in their going to FTTA. It is simply designed as a channel to help cover the increasing costs of the Training and to provide a means for those who might otherwise lack adequate funding to be enabled to participate in the training.