Letter from the Co-workers
Dear saints and former FTTA trainees,
Currently, the number of trainees in FTTA and the Boston extension is well over 250, and our expectation and hope is that the number will increase substantially in the coming years. In our desire to fellowship with former trainees and those who are burdened to support FTTA, we have attached a letter dated May 31, 2019 for your prayerful consideration.*
We are in close coordination with the brothers who oversee the endeavor described herein, and we are in favor of and supportive of its purpose and the way it is being carried out.
The benefit bestowed on those who attended FTTA over the past three decades is still being realized by the former trainees themselves and by the churches where they meet and serve. Our earnest hope is that the way for many more young people who desire to attend FTTA will be open continually.
In Christ,
The co-workers and brothers who oversee Living Stream Ministry and FTTA
*The letter referenced here is on the Home page of this site.